Known Good Output (KGO)#

Normally it is to be expected that code changes regress (i.e. all prognostic variables and diagnostics maintain the same answers with your code included but switched off).

Usually, a code change does not regress when either a bug is a discovered and fixed, or a science area is introduced or enhanced. Sometimes, a KGO update may also be required to simply add a new job to the test suite or to port the rose stem suite to new HPC architecture.

LFRic KGO checksums are stored in the repository. As such with LFRic tickets the expectation is that you, as the developer, will include updated KGO files as part of your branch.

UM and JULES KGO output files are stored outside of the repository. Access to this area is restricted to members of the Simulation Systems and Deployment Team and they will update the KGO files to include your new answers as part of the commit process.

KGO Update Process#

Getting the process right for KGO changing tickets significantly helps get such changes onto the trunk. When preparing your change for review:

  1. Run the all rose-stem group in order to make sure that all changes to answers have been found.

    • Include the trac.log output from this testing in your ticket summary.

  2. Add the kgo keyword to your ticket.

  1. Update the checksum files on your branch. To do so run rose stem and then the following from the head of your working copy

    python3 ./rose-stem/bin/ -s <suite name/runX> -w <path to working copy>


    This script requires at least python 3.9. This can be achieved on Met Office machines by running module load scitools

4. You can check the new kgo updated properly by retiggering tasks in the test suite. First retrigger export-source, and then when complete export-source_xc40 if new checksums are present there (there is no need to retigger spice). You may need to change the maximum window extent of the gui in order to see the succeeded tasks. Now you can retrigger the failed checksums - these should now pass if the kgo was updated in the working copy correctly. If you are adding new checksums, then fcm add the files before these steps.

5. The changes in answers should be science reviewed by someone familiar with the failing tests - if unsure then start with the Code Owner for the affected application.

Once all the above is in place and the science and code reviews have been completed then the Code Reviewer will merge your change to the head of trunk. If there are merge conflicts in the checksum files then the reviewer will repeat step 3 to refresh these files. Your change is then committed to trunk.

  1. Contact the configuration owners of all affected configurations. A list is provided in the trac.log . See Approval Process for details.

    Configuration owners will review the change and will either accept the change as it is, or will request the use of a temporary variable to switch the change off. See Temporary Logical Variables for details of this process.

Once all of the above is in place and the science and code reviews have been completed the Code Reviewer will merge the branch to the head of trunk, run the tests that have changed answers and use those results to install KGO files to the filesystem. Your change is then committed to trunk.


More details on the KGO update proceedures for all repositories can be found on the How to Commit page.