Testing JULES#

JULES testing is run with the following command from a working copy:

rose stem --group=all --new

The JULES rose stem testing includes a range of builds using a variety of compilers, several configurations, and rose-ana tasks to check the output.

The output is checked for correctness both by comparing the output to a set of stored KGO files.


If there are JULES changes to shared science code or jules-shared metadata then these changes will need to be tested with the UM and with LFRic Apps. If you have access to LFRic, the trac.log will state whether LFRic testing is required based on the branch diff. If you do not have LFRic access, this testing will need to be completed by your Met Office contact.

See Working with Multiple Repositories for details on how to carry out this testing.


For jules-shared changes, when LFRic testing, the changes need to be manually synced to the LFRic location. When UM testing, this is not required as jules-shared is imported from the JULES branch.

Below is a (by no means comprehensive) set of groups that you may wish to use on Met Office systems.




The complete test suite. This is run automatically every night and monitored by the SSD team. All KGO changing tickets need to run this group.





A set of tests to exercise these science areas.


All tests designed to run on the named platform.


All of the auxillary scripts that are designed to check the code standards in ways that aren’t tested by the compiler.