Rose Stem Suite#
All new changes are strongly encouraged to come with an update to the rose stem suite to protect any new functionality. Configuration owners may also wish to update the suite to ensure that important configurations are protected by the rose stem suite.
If you find that you need to update all the apps in the rose stem suite to get your change to work then you should use an upgrade macro. See Input Variables, Rose Metadata and Upgrade Macros.
Familiarise yourself with the Rose documentation before continuing with this section.
Migration to cylc8 and rose2 is currently in progress. UM, JULES and UKCA suites will work with the latest versions as well as cylc7. The LFRic Apps rose-stem has been written for cylc8 and is not backwards compatible.
Adding a new app#
Adding a new app to rose-stem can look daunting, but is actually less difficult than many other development processes as there are many examples to reference already in the code.
- rose-stem/app/
Start by creating a new app with the details of the test you wish to run. This might be an optional configuration for an existing app, or something completely new.
For the UM also create a matching rose-ana app detailing the comparisons required.
Both of these will be easiest to copy an existing app that is similar to what you are creating and modify from there. You can use the rose edit gui or manually modify the rose-app.conf files.
The app should validate (i.e. be consistent with the Rose metadata, and produce no warnings or errors). This can be checked by running
rose macro --validate --no-warn version -M path/to/rose-meta
from within your new app directory, or selecting Metadata -> Check fail-if, warn-if from the drop-down menu of the rose edit gui.Important
If you are working in a UM branch and have jules-shared changes, the JULES metadata path will also need adding. Please see the shared metadata guidance.
The next steps are site and rose-stem specific, but fall broadly into two categories - those using a jinja2 templated design which populate runtime and graph sections for you, such as the UM METO suite, and those which are manually configured, such as JULES.
- Task definitions
Task definitions should be added to the tasks.rc for all sites who will run this app.
The tasks are defined in a dictionary format, with one entry per configuration and all other details are handled by the templates. It is possible to define multiple decomposition and thread options in this single entry and comparison details are also defined within that same dictionary entry.
Details of the available options are listed in the template files in
for each suite and looking at existing examples is encouraged.Note
LFRic Apps has a detailed set of wiki pages that document the structure and options available for their suite.
- Task definitions
Task definitions for the following tasks should be added to the runtime.rc for all sites who will run this app.
run the app
perform a KGO comparison
perform housekeeping
- Graph definitions
Graph definitions should be added to the graph.rc for all sites who will run this app. These should connect together your new tasks created above with an appropriate build task.
- The site specific information is held in:
JULES: rose-stem/include
LFRic Apps & UM: rose-stem/site
All *.rc or .cylc files mentioned are frequently split into platform specific variants depending on the complexity of the sites suite.
e.g. runtime.rc may be spread across runtime-platform1.rc and runtime-platform2.rc. If a task should be run on both platform1 and platform2 then both of these will need the task definition adding.