STASH [1]#

Information on every diagnostic available to the model is stored in a single file named STASHmaster_A, which is read into the model at the start of the run.

The UM’s STASHmaster_A and associated help text file STASHmaster-meta.conf are available in your branch at vnXX.Y_<branch_name>/rose-meta/um-atmos/HEAD/etc/stash/STASHmaster/.


When running the UM rose stem suite, the suite will automatically use the STASHmaster_A file from your branch when testing your code.

The following principles apply when altering the STASHmaster:

  • If you add a new diagnostic to the STASHmaster_A file then you must also add to the stash master help text in STASHmaster-meta.conf.

  • If you are altering the stashmaster, this may be referred to the FFPP governance board by the sci/tech or code reviewers - see the STASH entry guidelines.

  • If your change has new stash items or changed/added attributes as an option code, versions mask etc., then first you have to get them reserved and recorded (published) on the reservation web page STASH/ReservedCodes

  • Note that every reservation should be linked to a ticket with the correct explanation and a milestone. This rule applies to all stash related tables placed on this page.

  • Although reservations could be some kind of self-service, contact the section owner first nevertheless. This could help to organise new items (when possible) in some logical groups.

  • For new option code numbers contact the STASH code owner.


Complete details of the STASH system (including the syntax used in the STASHmaster_A file) can be found in UMDP C04


If you are adding a new UM STASH diagnostic you must also add help text to the STASHmaster-meta.conf. This will provide others with help on your diagnostic. You will need to identify the stash entry with a [stashmaster:code(xyz)] section header, where the xyz is the stash code in the form section number * 1000 + item number.

Include a full name, any units and explanatory text. You should also add a description field that matches the full name of the diagnostic. For example:

description=NO2 Dry Deposition Rate (3D)
help=NO2 Dry Deposition Rate (3D)
    =This is the total dry deposition flux of NO2 in each gridbox
    =The sum of this deposition flux over all model gridboxes gives the total
    =number of moles of NO2 removed by this process per second in the
    =whole model.

This assists the model user in being able to find useful help text on their diagnostic.
