Temporary Logical Variables#
Temporary logical variables are intended to add a layer of protection in instances where a bug fix produces a significant change in results in a scientific configuration. The purpose of the temporary logical is to maintain results in scientific configurations. However, the bug fix could either be due to a scientific or a technical issue. Temporary logicals are used primarily for two reasons:
To maintain consistency in an important scientific configuration (e.g. global/regional atmosphere/land) when upgrading between model versions. If the logical was not used then different model versions may lead to very different scientific answers.
To give the configuration owner time to assess the impact of a significant change in answers on their configuration. The usual release cycle window is often too short to fully assess the impact of anything other than a small change.
Neither of these statements suggest that the fix shouldn’t be included — in fact the opposite is true. The decision as to whether to include a temporary logical normally rests with the configuration owner, but with guidance from the CodeSys reviewer and the Simulation Systems and Deployment team. In such cases, the following guidance is followed:
Essential bug fixes (e.g. something which would on occasions cause the model to crash) should be switched on by default and would not have a temporary logical.
This includes any bug fixes which restores bit comparison across different processor decomposition where it has been previously broken.
Any bug fix which does not lead to a change in answers should be switched on by default (not with a temporary logical).
Small changes (within the noise) can usually be included as a Known Good Output (KGO) update and would not usually have a temporary logical associated with them.
Anything which has a large impact (especially on key variables used for weather and climate) and which extends beyond the ‘noise’ of the model would be expected to include a temporary logical.
There may be a few specific cases, where only certain platforms or builds are affected due to a technical bug fix.
There isn’t a precise definition of what ‘being in the noise’ consists of, so the configuration owner should always be contacted in the first instance to provide guidance of what is or is not important to that particular configuration.
Remember that any new piece of science code or new scientific option would normally be switched off by default by a variable in the most appropriate scientific namelist. A temporary logical would not be used in this instance. See input variables for further details.
Adding a temporary logical to the code base#
When adding a new temporary logical, the developer must protect only the portion of code which changes answers by placing an IF statement around it, e.g.
IF (l_fix_something) THEN
... piece of code which changes answers ...
END IF ! l_fix_something
The new logical should be added in a specified subroutine for short-term fixes and not in a usual scientific or technical namelist. The location of the temporary logical routine varies by repository, with not all repositories requiring their own temporary logical subroutine. Details are as follows:
Currently reads science_fixes_mod.F90
(see UM) into um_physics/source/support/um_physics_init_mod.f90
No temporary logical routine currently in place for these projects.
Consult with Code Owners or check the UM science_fixes_mod.F90
existing temporary logicals.
By default, the logical should be set to .false.
, with the fix switched off, unless
instructed otherwise by the Configuration Owner.
The developer should remember to add the variable to the namelist, including any namelist printing and reading subroutines present in the module. In addition, they should also include a warning for when the fix is not included in a configuration. Examples of the various components can be found by examining existing variables in the subroutines listed in the table above.
An upgrade macro and Rose metadata will be required to add the temporary logical into the GUI and make it available to model users. See Input Variables, Rose Metadata and Upgrade Macros for further information. UM developers are also expected to fill in a temporary fixes summary template and the temporary logical table prior to the review process.
After the release cycle#
Normally, configuration owners would be expected to switch on all temporary logicals present as part of developing their latest configuration. This includes any which do not impact their configuration, as it allows them to be retired from the code base. Depending on when the next configuration is being developed, this could be some time after the code is released.
Very rarely, switching on a bug fix may have an undesired impact (e.g. it leads to the discovery
of a bug elsewhere in the code). In these cases, the configuration owner may keep the temporary
logical set to .false.
until the issue is resolved and may consult with the Code Owners and the
developers of the fix for further guidance. This does not imply that the bug fix wasn’t sensible in
the first place!
Each temporary logical has a review and retention period attached to it. Once the fix is included within the various configurations it affects, the temporary logical should be removed from the code base.
Prior to a ticket containing a temporary logical being committed to the trunk, the developers is expected to open a new ticket which removes the logical after a fixed period. This acts as an aide memoire that the logical needs to be removed in due course.