Internal Functions

This page details various internal functions within CSET. Most people should never have to worry about these, but they are documented here for the convenience of those developing CSET.


Subpackage contains all of CSET’s operators.

CSET.operators.execute_recipe(recipe_yaml: Path | str, input_directories: list[str], output_directory: Path, recipe_variables: dict = None, style_file: Path = None, plot_resolution: int = None) None

Parse and executes the steps from a recipe file.

  • recipe_yaml (Path | str) – Path to a file containing, or a string of, a recipe’s YAML describing the operators that need running. If a Path is provided it is opened and read.

  • input_directories (list[str]) – List of pathlike to directories containing input files. Each path is assumed to be to a different model.

  • output_directory (Path) – Pathlike indicating desired location of output.

  • recipe_variables (dict, optional) – Dictionary of variables for the recipe.

  • style_file (Path, optional) – Path to a style file.

  • plot_resolution (int, optional) – Resolution of plots in dpi.

  • FileNotFoundError – The recipe or input file cannot be found.

  • FileExistsError – The output directory as actually a file.

  • ValueError – The recipe is not well formed.

  • TypeError – The provided recipe is not a stream or Path.

CSET.operators.get_operator(name: str)

Get an operator by its name.


name (str) – The name of the desired operator.


The named operator.

Return type:



ValueError – If name is not an operator.


>>> CSET.operators.get_operator("read.read_cubes")
<function read_cubes at 0x7fcf9353c8b0>


Common operator functionality used across CSET.

Functions below should only be added if it is not suitable as a standalone operator, and will be used across multiple operators.

CSET.operators._utils.fully_equalise_attributes(cubes: CubeList)

Remove any unique attributes between cubes or coordinates in place.

CSET.operators._utils.get_cube_yxcoordname(cube: Cube) tuple[str, str]

Return horizontal coordinate name(s) from a given cube.


cube (iris.cube.Cube) – An iris cube which will be checked to see if it contains coordinate names that match a pre-defined list of acceptable horizontal coordinate names.


A tuple containing the horizontal coordinate name for latitude and longitude respectively found within the cube.

Return type:

(y_coord, x_coord)


ValueError – If a unique y/x horizontal coordinate cannot be found.

CSET.operators._utils.is_spatialdim(cube: Cube) bool

Determine whether a cube is has two spatial dimension coordinates.

If cube has both spatial dims, it will contain two unique coordinates that explain space (latitude and longitude). The coordinates have to be iterable/contain usable dimension data, as cubes may contain these coordinates as scalar dimensions after being collapsed.


cube (iris.cube.Cube) – An iris cube which will be checked to see if it contains coordinate names that match a pre-defined list of acceptable coordinate names.


If true, then the cube has a spatial projection and thus can be plotted as a map.

Return type:


CSET.operators._utils.is_time_aggregatable(cube: Cube) bool

Determine whether a cube can be aggregated in time.

If a cube is aggregatable it will contain both a ‘forecast_reference_time’ and ‘forecast_period’ coordinate as dimensional coordinates.


cube (iris.cube.Cube) – An iris cube which will be checked to see if it is aggregatable based on a set of pre-defined dimensional time coordinates: ‘forecast_period’ and ‘forecast_reference_time’.


If true, then the cube is aggregatable and contains dimensional coordinates including both ‘forecast_reference_time’ and ‘forecast_period’.

Return type:


CSET.operators._utils.is_transect(cube: Cube) bool

Determine whether a cube is a transect.

If cube is a transect, it will contain only one spatial (map) coordinate, and one vertical coordinate (either pressure or model level).


cube (iris.cube.Cube) – An iris cube which will be checked to see if it contains coordinate names that match a pre-defined list of acceptable coordinate names.


If true, then the cube is a transect that contains one spatial (map) coordinate and one vertical coordinate.

Return type:


Operations on recipes.


Warning a file already exists, and some unusual action shall be taken. str) None

Detail the recipe to stdout.

If multiple recipes match the given name they will all be displayed.


recipe_name (str) – Partial match for the recipe name. None

List available recipes to stdout. Path, recipe_name: str) None

Unpacks recipes files into a directory, creating it if it doesn’t exist.

  • recipe_dir (Path) – Path to a directory into which to unpack the recipe files.

  • recipe_name (str) – Name of recipe to unpack.

  • FileExistsError – If recipe_dir already exists, and is not a directory.

  • OSError – If recipe_dir cannot be created, such as insufficient permissions, or lack of space.


Visualise recipe into a graph.

CSET.graph.save_graph(recipe_file: Path | str, save_path: Path = None, auto_open: bool = False, detailed: bool = False)

Draws out the graph of a recipe, and saves it to a file.

  • recipe_file (Path | str) – The recipe to be graphed.

  • save_path (Path) – Path where to save the generated image. Defaults to a temporary file.

  • auto_open (bool) – Whether to automatically open the graph with the default image viewer.

  • detailed (bool) – Whether to include operator arguments on the graph.


ValueError – Recipe is invalid.



While no functions documented on this page are part of any API promise, the functions inside _common are especially liable to change without any kind of notice.

Common functionality used across CSET.

exception CSET._common.ArgumentError

Provided arguments are not understood.

exception CSET._common.TemplateError

Rendering a template failed due a placeholder without a value.

CSET._common.check_recipe_has_steps(recipe: dict)

Check a recipe has the minimum required steps.

Checking that the recipe actually has some steps, and providing helpful error messages otherwise. We must have at least a steps step, as that reads the raw data.


recipe (dict) – The recipe as a python dictionary.

  • ValueError – If the recipe is invalid. E.g. invalid YAML, missing any steps, etc.

  • TypeError – If recipe isn’t a dict.

  • KeyError – If needed recipe variables are not supplied.

CSET._common.combine_dicts(d1: dict, d2: dict) dict

Recursively combines two dictionaries.

Duplicate atoms favour the second dictionary.

CSET._common.get_recipe_metadata() dict

Get the metadata of the running recipe.

CSET._common.iter_maybe(thing) Iterable

Ensure thing is Iterable. Strings count as atoms.

CSET._common.parse_recipe(recipe_yaml: Path | str, variables: dict = None) dict

Parse a recipe into a python dictionary.

  • recipe_yaml (Path | str) – Path to recipe file, or the recipe YAML directly.

  • variables (dict) – Dictionary of recipe variables. If None templating is not attempted.


recipe – The recipe as a python dictionary.

Return type:


  • ValueError – If the recipe is invalid. E.g. invalid YAML, missing any steps, etc.

  • TypeError – If recipe_yaml isn’t a Path or string.

  • KeyError – If needed recipe variables are not supplied.


>>> CSET._common.parse_recipe(Path("myrecipe.yaml"))
{'steps': [{'operator': 'misc.noop'}]}
CSET._common.parse_variable_options(arguments: list[str]) dict

Parse a list of arguments into a dictionary of variables.

The variable name arguments start with two hyphen-minus (), consisting of only capital letters (A-Z) and underscores (_). While the variable name is restricted, the value of the variable can be any string.


arguments (list[str]) – List of arguments, e.g: [”–LEVEL”, “2”, “–STASH=m01s01i001”]


recipe_variables – Dictionary keyed with the variable names.

Return type:



ValueError – If any arguments cannot be parsed.

CSET._common.render(template: str, /, **variables) str

Render the template with the provided variables.

The template should contain placeholders that will be replaced. These placeholders consist of the placeholder name within double curly braces. The name of the placeholder should be a valid python identifier. Whitespace between the braces and the name is ignored. E.g.: {{ placeholder_name }}

An exception will be raised if there are placeholders without corresponding values. It is acceptable to provide unused values; they will be ignored.

  • template (str) – Template to fill with variables.

  • **variables (Any) – Keyword arguments for the placeholder values. The argument name should be the same as the placeholder’s name. You can unpack a dictionary of value with render(template, **my_dict).


rendered_template – Filled template.

Return type:


  • TemplateError – Value not given for a placeholder in the template.

  • TypeError – If the template is not a string, or a variable cannot be casted to a string.


>>> template = "<p>Hello {{myplaceholder}}!</p>"
>>> simple_template.render(template, myplaceholder="World")
"<p>Hello World!</p>"
CSET._common.render_file(template_path: str, /, **variables) str

Render a template directly from a file.

Otherwise the same as simple_template.render().


>>> simple_template.render_file("/path/to/template.html", myplaceholder="World")
"<p>Hello World!</p>"
CSET._common.replace_template_variable(s: str, variables)

Fill all variable placeholders in the string.

CSET._common.slugify(s: str) str

Turn a string into a version that can be used everywhere.

The resultant string will only consist of a-z, 0-9, dots, dashes, and underscores.

CSET._common.template_variables(recipe: dict | list, variables: dict) dict

Insert variables into recipe.

  • recipe (dict | list) – The recipe as a python dictionary. It is updated in-place.

  • variables (dict) – Dictionary of variables for the recipe.


recipe – Filled recipe as a python dictionary.

Return type:



KeyError – If needed recipe variables are not supplied.