fab.tools package#

A simple init file to make it shorter to import tools.

class fab.tools.Ar#

Bases: Tool

This is the base class for ar.

create(output_fpath, members)#

Create the archive with the specified name, containing the listed members.

  • output_fpath (Path) – the output path.

  • members (List[Union[Path, str]]) – the list of objects to be added to the archive.

class fab.tools.Category(value)#

Bases: Enum

This class defines the allowed tool categories.

FCM = 7#
GIT = 8#
AR = 10#
RSYNC = 11#
MISC = 12#
property is_compiler#

Returns if the category is either a C or a Fortran compiler.

class fab.tools.CCompiler(name, exec_name, suite, compile_flag=None, output_flag=None, omp_flag=None)#

Bases: Compiler

This is the base class for a C compiler. It just sets the category of the compiler as convenience.

  • name (str) – name of the compiler.

  • exec_name (str) – name of the executable to start.

  • suite (str) – name of the compiler suite.

  • compile_flag – the compilation flag to use when only requesting compilation (not linking). (default: None)

  • output_flag – the compilation flag to use to indicate the name of the output file (default: None)

  • omp_flag – the flag to use to enable OpenMP (default: None)

class fab.tools.Compiler(name, exec_name, suite, category, compile_flag=None, output_flag=None, omp_flag=None)#

Bases: CompilerSuiteTool

This is the base class for any compiler. It provides flags for

  • compilation only (-c),

  • naming the output file (-o),

  • OpenMP

  • name (str) – name of the compiler.

  • exec_name (Union[str, Path]) – name of the executable to start.

  • suite (str) – name of the compiler suite this tool belongs to.

  • category (Category) – the Category (C_COMPILER or FORTRAN_COMPILER).

  • compile_flag (Optional[str]) – the compilation flag to use when only requesting compilation (not linking). (default: None)

  • output_flag (Optional[str]) – the compilation flag to use to indicate the name of the output file (default: None)

  • omp_flag (Optional[str]) – the flag to use to enable OpenMP (default: None)

Return type:



a hash based on the compiler name and version.

compile_file(input_file, output_file, add_flags=None)#

Compiles a file. It will add the flag for compilation-only automatically, as well as the output directives. The current working directory for the command is set to the folder where the source file lives when compile_file is called. This is done to stop the compiler inserting folder information into the mod files, which would cause them to have different checksums depending on where they live.

  • input_file (Path) – the path of the input file.

  • outpout_file – the path of the output file.

  • add_flags (Optional[List[str]]) – additional compiler flags. (default: None)


Checks if the compiler is available. While the method in the Tools base class would be sufficient (when using –version), in case of a compiler we also want to store the compiler version. So, re-implement check_available in a way that will automatically store the compiler version for later usage.

Return type:



whether the compiler is available or not. We do this by requesting the compiler version.


Try to get the version of the given compiler.

Expects a version in a certain part of the –version output, which must adhere to the n.n.n format, with at least 2 parts.

Return type:

Tuple[int, ...]


a tuple of at least 2 integers, representing the version e.g. (6, 10, 1) for version ‘6.10.1’.


RuntimeError – if the compiler was not found, or if it returned an unrecognised output from the version command.


Run the compiler’s command to get its version.


version_command (Optional[str]) – The compiler argument used to get version info. (default: '--version')

Return type:



The output from the version command.


RuntimeError – if the compiler was not found, or raised an error.

parse_version_output(category, version_output)#

Extract the numerical part from the version output. Implemented in specific compilers.

Return type:



Get a string representing the version of the given compiler.

Return type:



a string of at least 2 numeric version components, i.e. major.minor[.patch, …]


RuntimeError – if the compiler was not found, or if it returned an unrecognised output from the version command.

class fab.tools.CompilerSuiteTool(name, exec_name, suite, category)#

Bases: Tool

A tool that is part of a compiler suite (typically compiler and linker).

  • name (str) – name of the tool.

  • exec_name (Union[str, Path]) – name of the executable to start.

  • suite (str) – name of the compiler suite.

  • category (Category) – the Category to which this tool belongs.

property suite: str#

the compiler suite of this tool.

class fab.tools.Cpp#

Bases: Preprocessor

Class for cpp.

class fab.tools.CppFortran#

Bases: Preprocessor

Class for cpp when used as a Fortran preprocessor

class fab.tools.Fcm#

Bases: Subversion

This is the base class for FCM. All commands will be mapped back to the corresponding subversion commands.

class fab.tools.Flags(list_of_flags=None)#

Bases: list

This class represents a list of parameters for a tool. It is a list with some additional functionality.

TODO #22: This class and build_config.FlagsConfig should be combined.


list_of_flags (Optional[List[str]]) – List of parameters to initialise this object with. (default: None)

Return type:



a checksum of the flags.

remove_flag(remove_flag, has_parameter=False)#

Removes all occurrences of remove_flag in flags`. If has_parameter is defined, the next entry in flags will also be removed, and if this object contains this flag+parameter without space (e.g. -J/tmp), it will be correctly removed. Note that only the flag itself must be specified, you cannot remove a flag only if a specific parameter is given (i.e. remove_flag=”-J/tmp” will not work if this object contains […,”-J”, “/tmp”]).

  • remove_flag (str) – the flag to remove

  • has_parameter (bool) – if the flag to remove takes a parameter (default: False)

class fab.tools.FortranCompiler(name, exec_name, suite, module_folder_flag, syntax_only_flag=None, compile_flag=None, output_flag=None, omp_flag=None)#

Bases: Compiler

This is the base class for a Fortran compiler. It is a compiler that needs to support a module output path and support for syntax-only compilation (which will only generate the .mod files).

  • name (str) – name of the compiler.

  • exec_name (str) – name of the executable to start.

  • suite (str) – name of the compiler suite.

  • module_folder_flag (str) – the compiler flag to indicate where to store created module files.

  • syntax_only_flag – flag to indicate to only do a syntax check. The side effect is that the module files are created. (default: None)

  • compile_flag – the compilation flag to use when only requesting compilation (not linking). (default: None)

  • output_flag – the compilation flag to use to indicate the name of the output file (default: None)

  • omp_flag – the flag to use to enable OpenMP (default: None)

property has_syntax_only: bool#

whether this compiler supports a syntax-only feature.


Sets the output path for modules.

Params path:

the path to the output directory.

compile_file(input_file, output_file, add_flags=None, syntax_only=False)#

Compiles a file.

  • input_file (Path) – the name of the input file.

  • output_file (Path) – the name of the output file.

  • add_flags (Optional[List[str]]) – additional flags for the compiler. (default: None)

  • syntax_only (bool) – if set, the compiler will only do a syntax check (default: False)

class fab.tools.Fpp#

Bases: Preprocessor

Class for Intel’s Fortran-specific preprocessor.

class fab.tools.Gcc(name='gcc', exec_name='gcc')#

Bases: GnuVersionHandling, CCompiler

Class for GNU’s gcc compiler.

  • name (str) – name of this compiler. (default: 'gcc')

  • exec_name (str) – name of the executable. (default: 'gcc')

class fab.tools.Gfortran(name='gfortran', exec_name='gfortran')#

Bases: GnuVersionHandling, FortranCompiler

Class for GNU’s gfortran compiler.

  • name (str) – name of this compiler. (default: 'gfortran')

  • exec_name (str) – name of the executable. (default: 'gfortran')

class fab.tools.Git#

Bases: Versioning

This is the base class for git.

Return type:



the hash of the current commit.


folder (Union[Path, str, None]) – the folder for which to determine the current commitf (defaults to .). (default: None)


Initialises a directory.


folder (Union[Path, str]) – the directory to initialise.


Removes all non versioned files in a directory.


folder (Union[Path, str]) – the directory to clean.

fetch(src, dst, revision)#

Runs git fetch in the specified directory

  • src (Union[str, Path]) – the source directory from which to fetch

  • revision (Optional[str]) – the revision to fetch (can be “” for latest revision)

  • dst (Union[str, Path]) – the directory in which to run fetch.

checkout(src, dst='', revision=None)#

Checkout or update a Git repo.

  • src (str) – the source directory from which to checkout.

  • dst (str) – the directory in which to run checkout. (default: '')

  • revision (Optional[str]) – the revision to check out (can be “” for latest revision). (default: None)

merge(dst, revision=None)#

Merge a git repo into a local working copy. If the merge fails, it will run git merge –abort to clean the directory.

  • dst (Union[str, Path]) – the directory to merge in.

  • revision (Optional[str]) – the revision number (only used for error message, it relies on git fetch running previously). (default: None)

class fab.tools.GnuVersionHandling#

Bases: object

Mixin to handle version information from GNU compilers

parse_version_output(category, version_output)#

Extract the numerical part from a GNU compiler’s version output

  • name – the compiler’s name

  • category (Category) – the compiler’s Category

  • version_output (str) – the full version output from the compiler

Return type:



the actual version as a string


RuntimeError – if the output is not in an expected format.

class fab.tools.Icc(name='icc', exec_name='icc')#

Bases: IntelVersionHandling, CCompiler

Class for the Intel’s icc compiler.

  • name (str) – name of this compiler. (default: 'icc')

  • exec_name (str) – name of the executable. (default: 'icc')

class fab.tools.Ifort(name='ifort', exec_name='ifort')#

Bases: IntelVersionHandling, FortranCompiler

Class for Intel’s ifort compiler.

  • name (str) – name of this compiler. (default: 'ifort')

  • exec_name (str) – name of the executable. (default: 'ifort')

class fab.tools.IntelVersionHandling#

Bases: object

Mixin to handle version information from Intel compilers

parse_version_output(category, version_output)#

Extract the numerical part from an Intel compiler’s version output

  • name – the compiler’s name

  • version_output (str) – the full version output from the compiler

Return type:



the actual version as a string


RuntimeError – if the output is not in an expected format.

class fab.tools.Linker(name=None, exec_name=None, suite=None, compiler=None, output_flag='-o')#

Bases: CompilerSuiteTool

This is the base class for any Linker. If a compiler is specified, its name, executable, and compile suite will be used for the linker (if not explicitly set in the constructor).

  • name (Optional[str]) – the name of the linker. (default: None)

  • exec_name (Optional[str]) – the name of the executable. (default: None)

  • suite (Optional[str]) – optional, the name of the suite. (default: None)

  • compiler (Optional[Compiler]) – optional, a compiler instance (default: None)

  • output_flag (str) – flag to use to specify the output name. (default: '-o')

Return type:



whether the linker is available or not. We do this by requesting the linker version.

Executes the linker with the specified input files, creating output_file.

  • input_files (List[Path]) – list of input files to link.

  • output_file (Path) – output file.

  • add_libs (Optional[List[str]]) – additional linker flags. (default: None)

Return type:



the stdout of the link command

class fab.tools.Preprocessor(name, exec_name, category, availablility_option=None)#

Bases: Tool

This is the base class for any preprocessor.

  • name (str) – the name of the preprocessor.

  • exec_name (Union[str, Path]) – the name of the executable.

  • category (Category) – the category (C_PREPROCESSOR or FORTRAN_PREPROCESSOR)

preprocess(input_file, output_file, add_flags=None)#

Calls the preprocessor to process the specified input file, creating the requested output file.

  • input_file (Path) – input file.

  • output_file (Path) – the output filename.

  • add_flags (Optional[List[Union[Path, str]]]) – List with additional flags to be used. (default: None)

class fab.tools.Psyclone(api=None)#

Bases: Tool

This is the base class for PSyclone.

process(config, x90_file, psy_file, alg_file, transformation_script=None, additional_parameters=None, kernel_roots=None, api=None)#

Run PSyclone with the specified parameters.

  • api (Optional[str]) – the PSyclone API. (default: None)

  • x90_file (Path) – the input file for PSyclone

  • psy_file (Path) – the output PSy-layer file.

  • alg_file (Union[Path, str]) – the output modified algorithm file.

  • transformation_script (Optional[Callable[[Path, BuildConfig], Path]]) – an optional transformation script (default: None)

  • additional_parameters (Optional[List[str]]) – optional additional parameters for PSyclone (default: None)

  • kernel_roots (Optional[List[Union[Path, str]]]) – optional directories with kernels. (default: None)

class fab.tools.Rsync#

Bases: Tool

This is the base class for rsync.

execute(src, dst)#

Execute an rsync command from src to dst. It supports ~ expansion for src, and makes sure that src end with a / so that rsync does not create a sub-directory.

  • src (Path) – the input path.

  • dst (Path) – destination path.

class fab.tools.Subversion(name=None, exec_name=None, category=Category.SUBVERSION)#

Bases: Versioning

This is the base class for subversion. Note that this is also the base class for FCM, so it allows overwriting name, exec_name and category, but will default to use svn.

  • name (Optional[str]) – name of the tool, defaults to subversion. (default: None)

  • exec_name (Union[Path, str, None]) – name of the executable, defaults to “svn”. (default: None)

  • category (Category) – the category, FCM or SUBVERSION (the latter is the default) (default: <Category.SUBVERSION: 9>)

execute(pre_commands=None, revision=None, post_commands=None, env=None, cwd=None, capture_output=True)#

Executes a svn command.

  • pre_commands (Optional[List[str]]) – List of strings to be sent to subprocess.run() as the command. (default: None)

  • revision (Union[int, str, None]) – optional revision number as argument (default: None)

  • post_commands (Optional[List[str]]) – List of additional strings to be sent to subprocess.run() after the optional revision number. (default: None)

  • env (Optional[Dict[str, str]]) – Optional env for the command. By default it will use the current session’s environment. (default: None)

  • capture_output – If True, capture and return stdout. If False, the command will print its output directly to the console. (default: True)

Return type:


export(src, dst, revision=None)#

Runs svn export.

checkout(src, dst, revision=None)#

Runs svn checkout.

update(dst, revision=None)#

Runs svn checkout.

merge(src, dst, revision=None)#

Runs svn merge.

class fab.tools.Tool(name, exec_name, category=Category.MISC, availablility_option=None)#

Bases: object

This is the base class for all tools. It stores the name of the tool, the name of the executable, and provides a run method.

  • name (str) – name of the tool.

  • exec_name (Union[str, Path]) – name or full path of the executable to start.

  • category (Category) – the Category to which this tool belongs. (default: <Category.MISC: 12>)

  • availability_option – a command line option for the tool to test if the tool is available on the current system. Defaults to –version.


Run a ‘test’ command to check if this tool is available in the system. :rtype: bool :returns: whether the tool is working (True) or not.

property is_available: bool#

Checks if the tool is available or not. It will call a tool-specific function check_available to determine this, but will cache the results to avoid testing a tool more than once.


whether the tool is available (i.e. installed and working).

property is_compiler: bool#

Returns whether this tool is a (Fortran or C) compiler or not.

property exec_name: str#

the name of the executable.

property name: str#

the name of the tool.

property category: Category#

the category of this tool.

property flags: Flags#

the flags to be used with this tool.

property logger: Logger#

a logger object for convenience.

run(additional_parameters=None, env=None, cwd=None, capture_output=True)#

Run the binary as a subprocess.

  • additional_parameters (Union[str, List[Union[Path, str]], None]) – List of strings or paths to be sent to subprocess.run() as additional parameters for the command. Any path will be converted to a normal string. (default: None)

  • env (Optional[Dict[str, str]]) – Optional env for the command. By default it will use the current session’s environment. (default: None)

  • capture_output – If True, capture and return stdout. If False, the command will print its output directly to the console. (default: True)

Return type:


class fab.tools.ToolBox#

Bases: object

This class implements the tool box. It stores one tool for each category to be used in a FAB build.

add_tool(tool, silent_replace=False)#

Adds a tool for a given category.

  • tool (Tool) – the tool to add.

  • silent_replace (bool) – if set, no warning will be printed if an existing tool is replaced. (default: False)


RuntimeError – if the tool to be added is not available.

Return type:



Returns the tool for the specified category.


category (Category) – the name of the category in which to look for the tool.


KeyError – if the category is not known.

Return type:


class fab.tools.ToolRepository#

Bases: dict

This class implements the tool repository. It stores a list of tools for various categories. For each compiler, it will automatically create a tool called “linker-{compiler-name}” which can be used for linking with the specified compiler.

Singleton access. Changes the value of _singleton so that the constructor can verify that it is indeed called from here.


Creates an instance of the specified class and adds it to the tool repository.


cls (Type[Any]) – the tool to instantiate.

get_tool(category, name)#
Return type:



the tool with a given name in the specified category.

  • category (Category) – the name of the category in which to look for the tool.

  • name (str) – the name of the tool to find.

  • KeyError – if there is no tool in this category.

  • KeyError – if no tool in the given category has the requested name.


Sets the default for linker and compilers to be of the given compiler suite.


suite (str) – the name of the compiler suite to make the default.


Returns the default tool for a given category, which is just the first tool in the category.


category (Category) – the category for which to return the default tool.


KeyError – if the category does not exist.

class fab.tools.Versioning(name, exec_name, category)#

Bases: Tool

This is the base class for versioning tools like git and svn.

  • name (str) – the name of the tool.

  • exec_name (Union[str, Path]) – the name of the executable of this tool.

  • category (Category) – the category to which this tool belongs).
