fab.tools.compiler module#

This file contains the base class for any compiler, and derived classes for gcc, gfortran, icc, ifort

class fab.tools.compiler.Compiler(name, exec_name, suite, category, compile_flag=None, output_flag=None, omp_flag=None)#

Bases: CompilerSuiteTool

This is the base class for any compiler. It provides flags for

  • compilation only (-c),

  • naming the output file (-o),

  • OpenMP

  • name (str) – name of the compiler.

  • exec_name (Union[str, Path]) – name of the executable to start.

  • suite (str) – name of the compiler suite this tool belongs to.

  • category (Category) – the Category (C_COMPILER or FORTRAN_COMPILER).

  • compile_flag (Optional[str]) – the compilation flag to use when only requesting compilation (not linking). (default: None)

  • output_flag (Optional[str]) – the compilation flag to use to indicate the name of the output file (default: None)

  • omp_flag (Optional[str]) – the flag to use to enable OpenMP (default: None)

Return type:



a hash based on the compiler name and version.

compile_file(input_file, output_file, add_flags=None)#

Compiles a file. It will add the flag for compilation-only automatically, as well as the output directives. The current working directory for the command is set to the folder where the source file lives when compile_file is called. This is done to stop the compiler inserting folder information into the mod files, which would cause them to have different checksums depending on where they live.

  • input_file (Path) – the path of the input file.

  • outpout_file – the path of the output file.

  • add_flags (Optional[List[str]]) – additional compiler flags. (default: None)


Checks if the compiler is available. While the method in the Tools base class would be sufficient (when using –version), in case of a compiler we also want to store the compiler version. So, re-implement check_available in a way that will automatically store the compiler version for later usage.

Return type:



whether the compiler is available or not. We do this by requesting the compiler version.


Try to get the version of the given compiler.

Expects a version in a certain part of the –version output, which must adhere to the n.n.n format, with at least 2 parts.

Return type:

Tuple[int, ...]


a tuple of at least 2 integers, representing the version e.g. (6, 10, 1) for version ‘6.10.1’.


RuntimeError – if the compiler was not found, or if it returned an unrecognised output from the version command.


Run the compiler’s command to get its version.


version_command (Optional[str]) – The compiler argument used to get version info. (default: '--version')

Return type:



The output from the version command.


RuntimeError – if the compiler was not found, or raised an error.

parse_version_output(category, version_output)#

Extract the numerical part from the version output. Implemented in specific compilers.

Return type:



Get a string representing the version of the given compiler.

Return type:



a string of at least 2 numeric version components, i.e. major.minor[.patch, …]


RuntimeError – if the compiler was not found, or if it returned an unrecognised output from the version command.

class fab.tools.compiler.CCompiler(name, exec_name, suite, compile_flag=None, output_flag=None, omp_flag=None)#

Bases: Compiler

This is the base class for a C compiler. It just sets the category of the compiler as convenience.

  • name (str) – name of the compiler.

  • exec_name (str) – name of the executable to start.

  • suite (str) – name of the compiler suite.

  • compile_flag – the compilation flag to use when only requesting compilation (not linking). (default: None)

  • output_flag – the compilation flag to use to indicate the name of the output file (default: None)

  • omp_flag – the flag to use to enable OpenMP (default: None)

class fab.tools.compiler.FortranCompiler(name, exec_name, suite, module_folder_flag, syntax_only_flag=None, compile_flag=None, output_flag=None, omp_flag=None)#

Bases: Compiler

This is the base class for a Fortran compiler. It is a compiler that needs to support a module output path and support for syntax-only compilation (which will only generate the .mod files).

  • name (str) – name of the compiler.

  • exec_name (str) – name of the executable to start.

  • suite (str) – name of the compiler suite.

  • module_folder_flag (str) – the compiler flag to indicate where to store created module files.

  • syntax_only_flag – flag to indicate to only do a syntax check. The side effect is that the module files are created. (default: None)

  • compile_flag – the compilation flag to use when only requesting compilation (not linking). (default: None)

  • output_flag – the compilation flag to use to indicate the name of the output file (default: None)

  • omp_flag – the flag to use to enable OpenMP (default: None)

property has_syntax_only: bool#

whether this compiler supports a syntax-only feature.


Sets the output path for modules.

Params path:

the path to the output directory.

compile_file(input_file, output_file, add_flags=None, syntax_only=False)#

Compiles a file.

  • input_file (Path) – the name of the input file.

  • output_file (Path) – the name of the output file.

  • add_flags (Optional[List[str]]) – additional flags for the compiler. (default: None)

  • syntax_only (bool) – if set, the compiler will only do a syntax check (default: False)

class fab.tools.compiler.GnuVersionHandling#

Bases: object

Mixin to handle version information from GNU compilers

parse_version_output(category, version_output)#

Extract the numerical part from a GNU compiler’s version output

  • name – the compiler’s name

  • category (Category) – the compiler’s Category

  • version_output (str) – the full version output from the compiler

Return type:



the actual version as a string


RuntimeError – if the output is not in an expected format.

class fab.tools.compiler.Gcc(name='gcc', exec_name='gcc')#

Bases: GnuVersionHandling, CCompiler

Class for GNU’s gcc compiler.

  • name (str) – name of this compiler. (default: 'gcc')

  • exec_name (str) – name of the executable. (default: 'gcc')

class fab.tools.compiler.Gfortran(name='gfortran', exec_name='gfortran')#

Bases: GnuVersionHandling, FortranCompiler

Class for GNU’s gfortran compiler.

  • name (str) – name of this compiler. (default: 'gfortran')

  • exec_name (str) – name of the executable. (default: 'gfortran')

class fab.tools.compiler.IntelVersionHandling#

Bases: object

Mixin to handle version information from Intel compilers

parse_version_output(category, version_output)#

Extract the numerical part from an Intel compiler’s version output

  • name – the compiler’s name

  • version_output (str) – the full version output from the compiler

Return type:



the actual version as a string


RuntimeError – if the output is not in an expected format.

class fab.tools.compiler.Icc(name='icc', exec_name='icc')#

Bases: IntelVersionHandling, CCompiler

Class for the Intel’s icc compiler.

  • name (str) – name of this compiler. (default: 'icc')

  • exec_name (str) – name of the executable. (default: 'icc')

class fab.tools.compiler.Ifort(name='ifort', exec_name='ifort')#

Bases: IntelVersionHandling, FortranCompiler

Class for Intel’s ifort compiler.

  • name (str) – name of this compiler. (default: 'ifort')

  • exec_name (str) – name of the executable. (default: 'ifort')