Installing Fab#

Once you’ve setup an environment, you can install the latest release of Fab from PyPI:

$ pip install sci-fab

The minimum Python dependencies (e.g. fparser) will also be installed automatically.


When installing from PyPI, please be sure to install sci-fab, not fab. There is already a package on PyPI called fab, which installs something else entirely.

Extra features#

You can install some extra Python packages to enable more features. This will install.

  • matplotlib for producing metrics graphs after a run

  • psyclone for building LFRic, and more

$ pip install sci-fab[features]


Fab workspace#

You can optionally tell Fab where it’s workspace should live. This can be useful on systems where your home space is on a slower drive, or when you like your build to be next to your source:

$ export FAB_WORKSPACE=<fast_drive>/fab_workspace

By default, Fab will create a project workspaces inside ~/fab-workspace.


People looking to develop Fab will likely want to Install from source

Met Office Users#

There are instructions specific to people wanting to use Fab at the Met Office.