
This file contains the base class for versioning tools like git and subversion. It also contains derived classes Git, Subversion, and Fcm.



This is the base class for FCM.


This is the base class for git.

Subversion([name, exec_name, category])

This is the base class for subversion.

Versioning(name, exec_name, category)

This is the base class for versioning tools like git and svn.

class fab.tools.versioning.Versioning(name, exec_name, category)#

This is the base class for versioning tools like git and svn.

  • name (str) – the name of the tool.

  • exec_name (Union[str, Path]) – the name of the executable of this tool.

  • category (Category) – the category to which this tool belongs).

class fab.tools.versioning.Git#

This is the base class for git.

Return type:



the hash of the current commit.


folder (Union[Path, str, None]) – the folder for which to determine the current commitf (defaults to .). (default: None)


Initialises a directory.


folder (Union[Path, str]) – the directory to initialise.


Removes all non versioned files in a directory.


folder (Union[Path, str]) – the directory to clean.

fetch(src, dst, revision)#

Runs git fetch in the specified directory

  • src (Union[str, Path]) – the source directory from which to fetch

  • revision (Optional[str]) – the revision to fetch (can be “” for latest revision)

  • dst (Union[str, Path]) – the directory in which to run fetch.

checkout(src, dst='', revision=None)#

Checkout or update a Git repo.

  • src (str) – the source directory from which to checkout.

  • dst (str) – the directory in which to run checkout. (default: '')

  • revision (Optional[str]) – the revision to check out (can be “” for latest revision). (default: None)

merge(dst, revision=None)#

Merge a git repo into a local working copy. If the merge fails, it will run git merge –abort to clean the directory.

  • dst (Union[str, Path]) – the directory to merge in.

  • revision (Optional[str]) – the revision number (only used for error message, it relies on git fetch running previously). (default: None)

class fab.tools.versioning.Subversion(name=None, exec_name=None, category=Category.SUBVERSION)#

This is the base class for subversion. Note that this is also the base class for FCM, so it allows overwriting name, exec_name and category, but will default to use svn.

  • name (Optional[str]) – name of the tool, defaults to subversion. (default: None)

  • exec_name (Union[Path, str, None]) – name of the executable, defaults to “svn”. (default: None)

  • category (Category) – the category, FCM or SUBVERSION (the latter is the default) (default: <Category.SUBVERSION: 9>)

execute(pre_commands=None, revision=None, post_commands=None, env=None, cwd=None, capture_output=True)#

Executes a svn command.

  • pre_commands (Optional[List[str]]) – List of strings to be sent to subprocess.run() as the command. (default: None)

  • revision (Union[int, str, None]) – optional revision number as argument (default: None)

  • post_commands (Optional[List[str]]) – List of additional strings to be sent to subprocess.run() after the optional revision number. (default: None)

  • env (Optional[Dict[str, str]]) – Optional env for the command. By default it will use the current session’s environment. (default: None)

  • capture_output – If True, capture and return stdout. If False, the command will print its output directly to the console. (default: True)

Return type:


export(src, dst, revision=None)#

Runs svn export.

checkout(src, dst, revision=None)#

Runs svn checkout.

update(dst, revision=None)#

Runs svn checkout.

merge(src, dst, revision=None)#

Runs svn merge.

class fab.tools.versioning.Fcm#

This is the base class for FCM. All commands will be mapped back to the corresponding subversion commands.