
This file contains the steps related to SVN. It is also used by the various fcm steps, which call the functions here with just a different category (FCM) from the tool box.


check_conflict(tool, dst)

Check if there's a conflict

svn_checkout(config, src[, dst_label, ...])

Checkout or update an FCM repo.

svn_export(config, src[, dst_label, ...])

Export an FCM repo folder to the project workspace.

svn_merge(config, src[, dst_label, ...])

Merge an FCM repo into a local working copy.

fab.steps.grab.svn.svn_export(config, src, dst_label=None, revision=None, category=Category.SUBVERSION)#

Export an FCM repo folder to the project workspace.

fab.steps.grab.svn.svn_checkout(config, src, dst_label=None, revision=None, category=Category.SUBVERSION)#

Checkout or update an FCM repo.


If the destination is a working copy, it will be updated to the given revision, ignoring the source url. As such, the revision should be provided via the argument, not as part of the url.

fab.steps.grab.svn.svn_merge(config, src, dst_label=None, revision=None, category=Category.SUBVERSION)#

Merge an FCM repo into a local working copy.

fab.steps.grab.svn.check_conflict(tool, dst)#

Check if there’s a conflict