Committing Linked Tickets#

How do linked tickets work?#

Linked tickets contain changes that all need to be committed together to work successfully. With only some of the changes committed the repositories are considered “out of sync”, with some of the test suites likely to fail as the api between the codebases is broken. For this reason, where possible, all parts of a linked ticket should be committed on the same day to avoid nightly tests failing.

Multi-repository changes are nested, and the different branches will need approaching in the correct order. The UM and LFRIc Apps are the key places where these overlap.

  1. Everything except UM and LFRic Apps can be worked on separately and should be committed first.

  2. The UM relies on code from all of the above code bases (except LFRic Core), and will need that code for both testing and committing.

  3. LFRic Apps relies on code from all of the above, and will need that code for both testing and committing.


While it is possible to work through the commit process for each repository in turn, following this list in order, this can take a lot of time and so it is prudent to parallelise the process where possible.

A suggested sequence would be as follows:

  1. Complete the merge and macro stages for every repository. These steps are entirely isolated and so order doesn’t matter.

  2. Test all of the changes together as described below.

  3. Install KGO files for all repositories requiring them

  4. Commit the tickets as described below.

Testing linked tickets#

With the branches from all the tickets merged into a working copy of their respective Head of Trunk these can all be used together to test the change.

Details for testing multi-repository tickets are included on the Working with Multiple Repositories page.

In summary:

  • JULES, UKCA, LFRic Core and other child repositories can be tested using their standalone test suites as described on the How to Commit page.

  • Local working copies can be passed to the UM on the command line

    rose stem --group=developer,ukca,jules --source=. --source=/path/to/jules/working/copy --source=/path/to/ukca/working/copy

    Make sure you test the group that will exercise the interface between those repositories (e.g. in the above example the jules and ukca groups are tested).

  • Local working copies of any linked UM, JULES, UKCA or other repositories can be passed to LFRic Apps through <lfric_apps_trunk>/



It is always important that branches and working copies used for testing multiple repositories together have been taken at the same point in time. If this isn’t the case then API breaking changes may be included in one repository but not another which will cause tests to fail.

The developer will likely have used branches taken from the last releases which are a known set of stable revisions which work together.

Make sure the testing done here (just prior to commit) is using the latest head of all the trunks. Assuming nightly tests are passing then this is also a known set of revisions that work together.


If some of the changes in this set of tickets have already been committed then see steps 2 and 4 below on how to include those changes in your testing. This is instead of the steps described above.

e.g. If JULES changes have been committed and the revision number modified in rose-suite.conf then the working copy no longer needs supplying as a source to the UM testing.

Committing linked tickets#

Once you are happy with all your testing then the commit sequence is as follows:

  1. Commit all trunks except UM and LFRic Apps. Make note of the commit revision numbers.

  2. Update <um_trunk>/rose-stem/rose-suite.conf

  • Modify HOST_SOURCE_* for all child repositories involved to point to the new commit revisions.

  • e.g. If a JULES ticket has just been committed at revision 12345

  1. Commit UM

  2. Update <lfric_apps_trunk>/

  • Modify *_rev variables for all other repositories you have updated to point to the the new commit revisions.

  • Remove any branch references from the *_sources variables.

  • e.g. If a JULES ticket has been committed at revision 12345 and a UM ticket at 123456

export um_rev=123456
export jules_rev=12345

export um_sources=
export jules_sources=
  1. Commit LFRic Apps

You may choose to run a subset of tests before completing the UM and LFRic Apps commits in turn to validate your changes.