Met Office NSWWS Public API


  1. Make a request to the Atom Feed endpoint. This should be part of a regular polling process, for example every 1-2 minutes (depending on your throttling limits). Or at least should be the first step to get the latest information.
  2. Get details about warnings from the Atom Feed response XML. Updated Entries will persist in the Atom Feed for 24 hours from the point they are added.
  3. Depending on what you want to do, you can either get all currently valid warnings or information about a specific change event, using the Atom Feed id from step 2. The Atom Feed will contain endpoints for steps i and ii, if they exist. If they don’t exist in the Atom Feed, then those endpoints will not exist.
    1. Make a request to get a snapshot of all currently valid warnings. Checking whether the endpoint is still current (via the Atom Feed) should be done before refreshing it. If it’s not there in the Atom Feed, then it has been removed.
    2. Make a request to the warnings endpoint for that specific warning update. Updated entries will only exist for 24 hours, after which the update is removed from the Atom Feed. Regular polling of the Atom Feed (from step 1) should be relied on and the latest state of the warning should be stored within your application.