CSET Documentation

CSET is a toolkit for evaluation, verification and investigation of convective- and turbulence-scale numerical models for weather and climate applications, cutting across time and space scales.

It aligns parametrisation development, diagnostic development and evaluation research, feeding back into Regional Atmosphere and Land (RAL) model development across the Met Office and UM partnership.

Apart from verification capabilities it provides a centralised source of tools to aid process-oriented evaluation for UM and LFRic models, supporting both deterministic and ensembles.

For model developers CSET offers well documented and peer reviewed evaluation tools and flexible evaluation code that can adapt to users needs.

For diagnostic developers it provides a legacy for diagnostics and observations. It is build on a modern software stack using python 3 and METplus. Clear documentation, working practices, automatic testing, and open access promote contributions.

For information on how to use CSET, see Getting Started.

For information on getting involved as a developer, see Developer’s Guide.

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Copyright © 2022-2024 Met Office and contributors. CSET is distributed under the Apache 2.0 License, in the hope that it will be useful.